Today we have a lot of sports. Everyone can find the interesting pastime. People want to spend their time more productive. So, sometimes they ask one question: "Which one, team sport or individual sport is better for me?". And in order to answer, let's describe each of them.
Team work always be in our life. People unite in groups, because every man knows, that is a good way to survive. Team sports didn't lose this meaning. So, team work lets to safe energy of every teammate. Do a part of work is easier than do full work.
But some people prefer the individual work. Why? Firstly, all achievements belong to you. You work alone, you don't owe anyone. Secondly, you require less. Providing resources for the group of people usually more difficult than providing for one man.
Ass you see, sport and life have a lot of same things. And I think, that people choose their favourite sports as they choose their life principles.
Thanks for your attention! :)