Lots of manufactures, factories and another industrials has been created. Every year world industry pollutes the atmosphere with about 1000 million tons of dust and other harmful substances. Many cities suffer from smog. Londons is among them. "Super cities" are used to having a harmful ecological situation due to the overpopulation, transport problems and selfish behavior of it's citizens who don't care of environment well-being.
Moreover, different kinds of ecological disaster continue to take place: atomic tragedies, where thousands of people and fauna die, explosions and leakage of chemicals.
Water, soil, air are the crucial parts not only of human live but of all living creatures of this world. Pollution and another disasters deprive animals and plants of their normal conditions. As result, hundreds of species has gone for the last 100 years. Unfortunately, this tendency hasn't stoped yet...
Nowadays, people are trying to carry out the ecological problems. Lot's of different environmental ecological agencies, research centers have been made to discuss and propagate the caring towards the nature. Scientists all over the world develop ecologically pure and no-waste technologies. They can help us to reserve the balance of our beautiful and unique home but the question is: Is humanity thoughtful enough to change their perception upon the nature?"