Monday, May 28, 2018

Ecological Problems [Drill]

Since the ancient time, nature has served Man. People used to get most out of the nature without any harmful consequences to the environment. But since Civilization started growing rapidly, this harmony has been violated.

Lots of manufactures, factories and another industrials has been created. Every year world industry pollutes the atmosphere with about 1000 million tons of dust and other harmful substances. Many cities suffer from smog. Londons is among them. "Super cities" are used to having a harmful ecological situation due to the overpopulation, transport problems and selfish behavior of it's citizens who don't care of environment well-being.

Moreover, different kinds of ecological disaster continue to take place: atomic tragedies, where thousands of people and fauna die, explosions and leakage of chemicals.

Water, soil, air are the crucial parts not only of human live but of all living creatures of this world. Pollution and another disasters deprive animals and plants of their normal conditions. As result, hundreds of species has gone for the last 100 years. Unfortunately, this tendency hasn't stoped yet...

Nowadays, people are trying to carry out the ecological problems. Lot's of different environmental ecological agencies, research centers have been made to discuss and propagate the caring towards the nature. Scientists all over the world develop ecologically pure and no-waste technologies. They can help us to reserve the balance of our beautiful and unique home but the question is: Is humanity thoughtful enough to change their perception upon the nature?"

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

How the processor works [Homework]

A processor consists of many different electronics circuits and devices for performing control functions, arithmetic and logic operations, and data transfers. Data may be transferred from backing storage to the internal memory or from internal memory to the arithmetic unit by means of conductive channels known as buses. The part of the processor which controls data transfers between the various input and output devices is called the control unit.

ROM - memory known as "firmware" used for storing part of the operating system and application software; cannot be rewritten.

RAM - used for temporary storage of application programms and data.

Clock - an electronic circuit, that generates electronic pulses at fixed time intervals to controll the timing of all operations in the processor.

Data bus - group of signal lines used to transmit data in parallel from one element of computer to another.

Address bus - used to send address details between the memory and the address register

Control bus - a group of signal lines dedicated to the passing of control signals

Accumulators - used to store numeric data during processing

Registers - group of bistable devices used to store information in a computer system for high-speed access

Microprocessor Chip - consists of an arithmetic-logic unit, one or more working registers to store data being processed, and accumulators for storing the result of calculations.

Friday, May 11, 2018

The United States of America [Drill]

USA is the forth largest country in the world. It's washed by two oceans: Pacific and Atlantic. Have borders with three countries: Mexico in the South, Canada in the North and Russia in the Alaska's

States area is about 9.5 millions km^2 . Nowadays there are living around 317 millions. American Nation is made up of people of nearly all races. 

America is full of different natural entertainments. The biggest rivers are Mississippi, the Missouri, the Rio Grande and Columbia. The highest mountain are Rocky Mountain, the Cordillera and Sierra Nevada.

Administratively, it's consist of 50 independent states every one which has it's own government. The capital of USA is Washington DC. Another major cities are New-York, Los Angeles, San-Francisco and so forth. According to US Constitution the powers are divided into 3 branches: the executive, the legislative and the judicial.

United States is a highly developed industrial and technology country. It is home for IT giants like Google, Apple, IBM. Many cars manufactures have their origin in USA. Thanks to might and approaching of it's citizens USA is ahead of the curve.