Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Imagine, that you see 250 words.


Today we have a lot of sports. Everyone can find the interesting pastime. People want to spend their time more productive. So, sometimes they ask one question: "Which one, team sport or individual sport is better for me?". And in order to answer, let's describe each of them.

Team work always be in our life. People unite in groups, because every man knows, that is a good way to survive. Team sports didn't lose this meaning. So, team work lets to safe energy of every teammate. Do a part of work is easier than do full work.

But some people prefer the individual work. Why? Firstly, all achievements belong to you. You work alone, you don't owe anyone. Secondly, you require less. Providing resources for the group of people usually more difficult than providing for one man.

Ass you see, sport and life have a lot of same things. And I think, that people choose their favourite sports as they choose their life principles.

Thanks for your attention! :)

Monday, September 5, 2016

How many books have you read, мямля?


So, what is a book? Of course, it's usually source of knowledge. And I don't want to argue with it. But I want to ask, what is more important: book or information in this book? It's obvious.

Today is 21th century. Smartphones, laptops, Internet,... opened doors for our world. Speed of information's appearing increase in geometric progression. So, if we wrote all this information in books, we wouldn't know what is a tree :)

I don't read a lot of books. I am dependent on the internet :). If I want to learn something, I open google.com and write my question...

Do you want to listen and see an explanation? Please, open youtube.
Do you want to read an explanation? Please, open wikipedia.

-So, can you prove, that all information in the book is true?

I don't deny, that sometimes information in the internet has mistakes. But it doesn't mean, that books always have only truth information. I can say more, all information, which we give from knowledge sources can be false.

For example, we know, that our planet has ball form. It seems obvious, but have you ever seen it? Have you ever try to prove it? I don't think so. But we all know, that is true. Yeah, we know...

I forget, why I have created this post. Oh yes. Do you still think, that people should ask this question? In my humble personal opinion, it is more correct: how much information you got, analysed and used. And it is not important, where you got this information.

Thanks for reading! Thanks for Torwald Olafsen, who gave me food for thought.

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Calculus is boring!...


I like puzzles. They are interesting and good things, which upgrade your mind. Of course, in order to solve a big amount of problems I usualy use the math. It is a good instrument for get the result.

What I mean, when I call math as the instrument? In my opinion, it is only the set of methods, which solve certain problems.

For example, you want to solve the quadro equation. You remember the formula and insert your variables. Congratulations, you solved the problem without any brain doings! Only you guessed to use your knowledge. :)

I don't think, that is a bad to use your knowledge (formulas) to solve math problems. Because it makes you work more productive. But I get bored when I do it for all day.

In the begining, I always try to solve problem myself. I mean, I only use my logic and experience and don't try to find information about standard solution. It is more interesting, but it usually spend a lot of time. So, sometimes I don't success :(

-Ok, I got it. Let's return to the topic of you post. Why Calculus is boring for you? Don't you like it :)?

Yes and No.

Why No: 
Because it is something new for me. Of course, a lot of this information base on your school knowledeges. But it is a new level of abstraction: limits, seqeunces and e.t. They always were with you, but you didn't think about them.

Why Yes:
Because of a lot of formulas,theorems without a good explanation. I always ready to understand them myself. But I don't have enough time and desire to "translate" this big amount of information. So, I see two ways: I should remember it or I should spend all of my time and getiing crazy."

That's all. Thanks!

Friday, September 2, 2016

You start the work and you complete the work.


You come to your room, sit on the chair and start to do your homework or read a book or create a project. You are in the process. But you feel something wrong. Some thoughts say you: "Bro, you are sitting in your room and doing something work. Look around, there are people, who spend their time for meet new friends, get fun in something cool places. And you doing something strange work alone! Look yourself! You are unsocial!"

It is a casual part of my life. Always, when I start to do something, this thoughts always return! I'm sick of it! I can not do great (for me) things because of it!

All of it seems unlogic and funny, but it is very bad for me. So, I can't stand it anymore! And in order to win, I have found the solution. It is obvious: be more indifferent.

You start the work and you complete the work.